
Biotechnology is based on the principle of disposal of harmful substances through microorganisms. Biotechnology is used especially for low concentrations of biodegradable pollutants. The resulting substances CO2 and H2O are harmless for the environment and because no other waste is produced, the technology is so-called waste free.

For biological technology two different pieces of equipment can be used – bio-filter and bio-column. The choice depends on the chemical composition and concentration of the emissions.

Biotechnology is used for odor removal (in some cases as a final step) as well as for removal of biodegradable substances (ammonia, acetone, styrene, etc.).

List of references

 KOŠA Bohumileč, Czech republic

  • Emission separation of styrene and acetone from laminating, scrubber and biofilter
  • 4.000 m3/h
  • Year of realization: 2010

Stabilplastik Měšice, Czech republic

  • Emission separation of odor from production of pallets from recycled plastics, scrubber and biofilter
  • 16.800 m3/h
  • Year of realization: 2005

APIS – C, s.r.o., Mojšova Lůčka (Veterinary decontamination institute), Slovakia

  • Scrubber before biofilter, purification of waste gases from rendering plants
  • 60.000 m3/h
  • Year of realization: 2005

LE & CO Horní Jirčany, Czech republic

  • Disposal of odor emissions from the production of smoked meat, biological scrubber
  • 1.500 – 1.800 m3/h
  • Year of realization: 2003

DUNO CS, Moraveč, Czech republic

  • Emission separation of styrene and acetone from laminating, scrubber and biofilter
  • 14.400 m3/h
  • Year of realization: 2000