Fan supplies

We offer a comprehensive supplies of quality fans from reputed foreign manufacturers that are designed to provide optimum performance, reliability and long service life, even in demanding operating conditions.

In our portfolio you can find various fan material options to suit your specific technology requirements:

  • Plastic fans - These fans are highly resistant to corrosion and chemicals, making them ideal for applications where they are exposed to aggressive substances or where light weight is required.
  • Stainless steel fans - Suitable for more demanding applications where high strength and temperature are emphasized. Stainless steel fans are ideal for industrial processes in the food or pharmaceutical industry, where it is necessary to ensure not only efficient ventilation, but also long equipment life even under aggressive conditions.
  • Fans for explosive applications - This category of fans is designed for use in explosive environments such as refineries, chemical plants and other industrial areas where maximum safety must be ensured. Fans in the explosive environment design meet stringent international safety standards and are designed to minimize risk in environments with explosive substances or gases.

All our fans are carefully designed to meet the requirements for high performance, energy efficiency and long life. In addition to the fans themselves, we also offer advice on selecting the optimum fan for your specific needs and installation of the equipment. Our goal is to ensure that your process plants run smoothly with efficient and safe fans that reach all operating standards.