Other references

DIAMO, s. p. Stráž pod Ralskem

Treatment of emissions from the reprocessing of alum to aluminium sulphate.

AVX, a.s. Lanškroun

Separation of NOx and HNO3 emissions from chip production.

TEROSIL Rožnov pod Radhoštěm

Separation of HCl emissions from the electrotechnical industry.

TESLA SEZAM, a.s. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm

HCl emission separation.

ESAB, s.r.o., Vamberk

Separation of emissions from wire copper plating.

LOVOCHEMIE a.s., Lovosice

Separation of HF and HNO3 emissions from NPK production.


Separation of HCl emissions from the electrical industry.


Liquid drift separator from evaporator for propane cooling station.

DIAMO, s. p. Stráž pod Ralskem

Absorption of ammonia.

DURA s.r.o. Strakonice

Separation of KOH emissions from desludging machines.

Třinecké železárny a.s. Třinec

Design, supply, installation and commissioning of a scrubbing oil droplet separator for a BTX scrubber from coke oven gas, 18 000 - 36 000 m3/h.

VITANA, a.s. Kralupy nad Vltavou

Treatment of emissions from the food industry.

Teplárna Prunéřov II.

Design, supply, installation and commissioning of an experimental desulphurisation unit (absorption unit taking flue gases directly from the flue pipe of the power plant before flue gas cleaning), 2 500 m3/h (155°C - flue gas temperature).

Precheza a.s., Přerov

Design, supply and installation of a droplet separator for calcination gases from the calcination line.

19 000 m3/h (calcination gases - dry air).

PAVUS, a.s., Veselí nad Lužnicí

Design, supply, installation and commissioning of a line unit for the purification of waste gases (containing CO, NOx, VOC (TOC), benzoate, HCl, HF) generated during fire resistance testing of building products (furnace drains).

30 000 Nm3/h (flue gas temperature max. 100°C).

20 000 Nm3/h (flue gas temperature max. 300°C).

E-therm Klatovy, Poland

Cleaning line from fire test room gases.

C – Energy Planá nad Lužnicí (powerplant)

Design, supply, installation and commissioning of the absorber and technology for sulphur dioxide capture, 100 000 Nm3/h.

 ZVVZ Energo, Milevsko

Treatment technology to reduce SO2 and PM emissions - desulphurisation, design and supply of mills, commissioning, flow rates 40 000 m3/h, 82 584 m3/h.