Motorlet Praha
Separation of chromosulphuric acid aerosol from hard chrome plating.
Severografia Děčín
Separation of chromosulphuric acid aerosol from soft chrome plating.
ČKD Slaný
Separation of chromosulphuric acid aerosol from hard chrome plating.
ZVS Dubnica nad Váhom, Slovakia
Separation of chromosulphuric acid aerosol from hard chrome plating.
Zetor Brno
Separation of chromosulphuric acid aerosol from hard chrome plating.
Letov Praha
Separation of chromosulphuric acid aerosol from hard chrome plating.
VAB Bánovce nad Bebravou, Slovakia
Separation of chromosulphuric acid aerosol from hard chrome plating.
VSŽ Košice, Slovakia
Separation of chromosulphuric acid aerosol from hard chrome plating.
Autopal Nový Jičín
Separation of chromosulphuric acid aerosol from hard chrome plating.
Bižuterie Jablonec nad Nisou
Separation of chromosulphuric acid aerosol from soft chrome plating.
Závody ťažkého strojárstva Dubnica nad Váhom, Slovensko
Separation of chromosulphuric acid aerosol from hard and white chrome plating.
Technometra Radotín, Praha
Separation of chromosulphuric acid aerosol from soft chrome plating.
Strojírenské závody Třemošnice
Separation of chromosulphuric acid aerosol from hard and white chrome plating.
BUZULUK Komárov, Hořovice
Separation of chromosulphuric acid aerosol from soft chrome plating.
PERMON, Komárov
Separation of chromosulphuric acid aerosol from hard and white chrome plating.
Galvanovna Běchovice
Separation of chromosulphuric acid aerosol from soft chrome plating.
CrO3 aerosol separator, design and supply of equipment, flow rate 12 000 m3/h.
NOVEX Bohemia Slaný
Air extraction from chrome plating baths.