Other branches of industry

Technologies that are not included in the references by industry (pharmaceutical industry, electrical industry, etc.) or according to applied technology (biotechnology), are listed below.

Here are included projects that can not be clearly categorized into other references, but usually in these sectors we design our conventional equipment or exceptionally atypical apparatuses. It is necessary to know all the input data for the most appropriate design solutions.

These contain applications in the uranium industry, energetics, environmental burden disposal, food industry, production of welding materials, etc.

List of references

ESAB Vamberk, Czech republic

  • Design and delivery of technological set of cleaning line from copper plating plant in operation of welding wire and droplet separation from copper plating plant.
  • 6.000 – 7.000 m3/h
  • Year of realization: 1997; 2010

VITANA, a.s. Kralupy nad Vltavou, Czech republic

  • Separation emissions of NH3 and HCl from the food industry.
  • 6.900 m3/h
  • Year of realization: 2003

DIAMO, s. p. Stráž pod Ralskem, Czech republic

  • Treating emissions from reprocessing of alum to aluminum sulfate.
  • 14.400 m3/h
  • Year of realization: 2005

Spolana a.s., Neratovice (chemical industry), Czech republic

  • Disposal of environmental burdens – Design and delivery of 5 unites of apparatus for capturing of dioxins (PCDD/F) and volatile organic compounds (VOC).
  • 1.500 kg/h; 350 m3/h
  • Year of realization: 2005

C – Energy Planá nad Lužnicí (heating plant), Czech republic

  • Design and commissioning of the absorber and technology for separation of sulfur dioxide.
  • 40.000 – 100.000 m3/h
  • Year of realization: 2015
Other branches of industry