For the removal of liquid droplets and dust of fine particle from horizontal as well as vertical gas streams mist eliminators (droplet separators )are used , e.g. in absorption scrubbing columns, evaporators, distillations columns or for the protection of the fans or chimneys.
Our range includes various types of eliminators, for example vane type or demister – wire mesh droplet separator or the combination of both with the Venturi absorber.
The solution always depends on the chemical composition and concentration of the particle, so the design is individual for every application – it is tailored to our customer’s needs.
The right combination of different mist eliminators principles permits to separate droplets with diameter below 10 μm as well as dust concentration below 20 mg/m3.
We offer mist eliminators also for high pressure applications, with or without automatically cleaning devices.
List of references
OKK Koksovny, a.s., provoz Koksovna Ostrava, Ostrava – Přívoz, Czech republic
- Design and delivery of the droplet separator of washing oil from BTEX scrubber.
- 42.000 Nm3/h (quantity of coke oven gas)
- Year of realization: 2011
Precheza a.s, Přerov (chemical industry), Czech republic
- Design, delivery and assembly of the droplet separator for gases from calcining line
- 19.000 Nm3/h
- Year of realization: 2010
Lovochemie, a.s., Lovosice (fertilizer industry), Czech republic
- Design, delivery, assembly and commissioning of the demister on outlet from acid scrubber in production of fertilizer (elimination of acidic droplet drift – contains HF, HNO3, NOx),
- 13.680 m3/h
- Year of realization: 2009
Třinecké železárny a.s., Třinec (coke production), Czech republic
- Design, delivery, assembly and commissioning of the droplet separator of washing oil from BTEX scrubber from coke oven gas
- 18.000 – 36.000 m3/h
- Year of realization: 2009