Pickling and zinc galvanizing

Pickling is a process used for removing of impurities from surface steel materials before their corrosion surface protection, for example with hot galvanizing coating with zinc.

Pickling process is performed in bathes with hydrochloric or sulfuric acid and is accompanied by sour emissions formation. These emissions must be exhausted and removed from the air before it’s output into the atmosphere.

For cleaning foam-layer absorber or packing tower is used. These are based on the principle of absorption of the emissions through a chemical reaction into the absorption medium.

The type series is available for usual pickling plants with absorber capacity from 2 000 to 35 000 m3/hour of exhaust air, but every installation must be designed individually with respect to all operating parameters and circumstances. For example, if dust or aerosol is present in the exhaust air, the apparatus is combined with Venturi absorber as the first stage.

List of references

Separation emissions of HCl from pickling baths

  • VSŽ Košice, Slovakia
  • Ironworks Veselí nad Moravou, Czech republic

Separation emissions of H2SO4 from pickling baths

  • Ironworks Vamberk, Czech republic
  • Ironworks Frýdek- Místek, Czech republic

Separation emissions of H3PO4 from pickling baths

  • Žďas Žďár nad Sázavou, Czech republic

Separation emissions of HCl, HF, HNO3 from pickling baths

  • VTŽ Chomutov, Czech republic

Separation emissions from pickling of stainless materials

  • GALTEX Bratislava, Slovakia

Absorption technology for separation HCl, ammonium chloride and flue dust of zinc coating

  • Promptus Děčín, Czech republic
  • Romo Fulnek, Czech republic

Separation emissions of HCl

  • Apollo Metal, spol. s r. o., Čenkov, Czech republic
  • Apollo Metal, s.r.o., Brniště, Czech republic

Separation emissions of aluminium coating

  • EŽ Vlkov u Tišnova, Czech republic
Pickling and zinc galvanizing

Hard chromium plating