Pharmaceutical industry

In production of drugs various organics solvents are used. These must be evaporated in a dryer to catch the powder substance as the last step of the process. It is necessary to remove the solvent vapor from the exhaust air and the choice of technology is dependent on their character and properties.

Most of the solvents used are alcohol and ketone, which is possible to be separated by absorption into the water solution.

We use the packed column with or without the circulation. Usual capacities are from 2 000 m3/hour to 35 000 m3/hour.

List of references

ZENTIVA Hlohovec, Slovakia

  • Design and delivery of the scrubber for separation of ethanol from waste gas of fluid bed dryer GLATT,
  • 3.000 m3/h
  • Year of realization: 2008

TEVA Czech Industries s.r.o., Opava, Czech republic

  • Design, delivery, assembly and commissioning of the absorber for separation of volatile organic compounds (VOC-ethanol, acetone) from the production,
  • 12.000 m3/h – 16.000 m3/h
  • Year of realization: 2007

Zentiva, k. s., Praha, Czech republic

  • Design and delivery of the scrubber for separation of ethanol from waste gas of dryer,
  • 3.300 m3/h
  • Year of realization: 2007

Zentiva, k. s., Praha, Czech republic

  • Design and delivery of the scrubber for separation of ethanol from production of granulate,
  • 1.700 m3/h
  • Year of realization: 2006
Pharmaceutical industry